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3 Things to Know One Month into a New Relationship

Your new partner might have so many unknowns that you don’t know where they live. That’s ok, because there are no rules in dating that say you need to know your partner’s address after a month of dating. However, if you’re looking for something longer term than a fling then it is important to find out these three things one month into the relationship.

Make sure to ask these 3 questions before diving headfirst into anything serious!

Do They Want to Get Married?

You don’t need to know whether you want to marry this person. If you already know you don’t want to marry them, break up! But, if you are interested in your partner and have specific goals around marriage, you need to determine if your partner is on the same page. This can be awkward to ask straight up, but some creative questioning can help you get your answers. “My friend is having a lavish wedding. I think I want something simple. What about you?” Either way, make sure you know your partner’s intentions one month into a new relationship.

How Do They Communicate with Their Family?

This one will be trickier to assess if you are only one month into a new relationship. Is your partner answering calls or texts from their family members on every date? Do they constantly talk about them? Have they not mentioned any family at all? People have different levels of closeness and comfort around that closeness. If you are the type to have extremely close family ties, a partner who is perfectly happy talking to his parents once a month might bother the hell out of you. This is worth paying attention to if you are interested in a long-term relationship.

How Does Your Partner Spend Money?

Money is the thing no one wants to talk about, but research shows it is important in relationships. Some research shows it is the top predictor of divorce. You can start assessing how your partner treats money from the first date. If you love to spend, but your partner counts coupons, lust will only get you so far. Even if you think you can overcome this, it may make sense to cut ties if you and your partner treat finances differently. So, by one month into a new relationship, make sure you have assessed how your partner handles their finances.

Happy Couple

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